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Coping with the Rise in Mental Health Issues: Effective Strategies for Resilience

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Coping with the Rise in Mental Health Issues: Effective Strategies for Resilience

Mental health issues have been steadily rising in the UK over the past few decades. More people than ever before are experiencing conditions like anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. This rise warrants increased attention on protective strategies and treatment methods that can improve resilience against poor mental health. Finding ways to safeguard wellbeing has never been more crucial.

The Rise in Mental Health Issues in the UK

Studies clearly show that mental health problems have increased significantly across the UK population in recent years. Surveys indicate that approximately 1 in 6 adults experienced a common mental disorder like anxiety or depression in 2021. This rate has risen from about 1 in 10 adults in 1993. The increase has been observed across genders and age groups. Children and adolescents have also been deeply impacted, with emotional disorders and self-harm becoming more prevalent.

Several factors are believed to be fuelling this upward trend. Experts cite social media and increased isolation as large contributors. Financial uncertainty, work stress, and lack of work-life balance also play major roles. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a spike in common mental disorders as well. All indications are that poor mental health will continue rising unless protective action is taken.

Which Issues Are on the Rise?

Alongside increased general anxiety and depression, some specific mental health issues have surged more sharply than others in the UK. Self-harm among young people, for instance, has jumped dramatically, with rates in teenage girls up by over 60% compared to a decade ago. Eating disorders have also risen at an alarming rate, particularly among the young. Hospital admissions for eating disorders were up 84% in the last five years for patients under 18 years old.

Strategies for Resilience

There are multiple evidence-based approaches that can help bolster mental resilience in the face of rising mental health issues.

  • Connecting with others is crucial for mental well-being. Joining community groups, volunteering, and regularly spending quality time with family and friends can provide vital social support and protect against isolation and loneliness.
  • Developing healthy coping mechanisms is also important. This can involve learning stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and regular exercise. Keeping a gratitude journal, pursuing hobbies, and getting out into nature are other effective coping tools.
  • Optimising nutrition and sleep can help stabilise mood and emotions. Eating a balanced diet rich in plants and healthy fats keeps the brain functioning well. Maintaining consistent sleep routines with 7-9 hours per night prevents fatigue and burnout.
  • Some individuals may benefit from counselling or psychiatry for more tailored mental health support. Cognitive behavioural therapy, in particular, is effective for building resilience against anxiety, depression and more.
  • Alternative approaches like acupuncture and functional medicine may also be helpful. An experienced functional medicine practitioner, such as the ones at Urban Wellness, can identify and treat the root causes of mental health issues. Functional medicine aims to get to the root of health problems and promote wellness by considering the whole person, not just isolated symptoms.

With mental health issues expanding rapidly across the UK, finding ways to reinforce resilience and well-being is imperative. With a multifaceted approach, individuals can put up their best defense against the rising tide of mental health disorders. Using evidence-based strategies for resilience tailored to one’s needs gives people the tools to safeguard their well-being.