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Excessive Screen Exposure Can Negatively Affect Your Brain and Body Health

Excessive Screen Exposure Can Negatively Affect Your Brain and Body Health

It is hard to imagine a world without computers, smartphоnes, and tablets nowadays. These gadgets have become an integral part of our lives. Screens surround us everywhere. On the one hand, gadgets open up many opportunities for work, study, and entеrtainment. But on the other hand, excessіve screen time has a negative impact on our brain and body health. In the article below we will explore how monitors affect us, as well as the too much screen time and warning signs of too much screen time. In addition, we will try to provide the most effective recommendations for optimal use of technology.

The Negative Impact of Screen Time on Health

Impact on the brain

The constant flow of information from screens can overload the brain, leading to:

  • decreased concentration, 
  • memory loss, 
  • and even depression. 

This has a particularly negative impact on children’s development. The negative effects of technology on child development are significant because the brain is not yet fully formed. Thus, excessive use of screens interferes with the normal development of cognitive functions.

Impact on vision

Excessive screen time can cause:

  • dry eyes, 
  • blurred vision,
  • excessive eye fatigue. 

These symptoms often appear due to constant focus on the screen. This leads to a decrease in the frequency of blinking. Eyes do not get enough moisture. 

To avoid these problems, low screen time is recommended, namely:

  • take breaks every 20 minutes,
  • look into the distance for 20 seconds.

Another way to reduce the negative impact of screens is to properly adjust the brightness of displays. In particular, Mac users can change brightness on Mac to match the lighting conditions that exist according to the time they work and the location of their workplace according to natural or artificial light. You can increase the brighten screen through Mac display settings, which reduces eye strain. Especially when working in dark conditions. The correct screen brightness will help reduce eye fatigue and thus improve overall well-being during prolonged computer use. 

Impact on physical and mental health

Prolonged sitting in front of a screen is often accompаnied by poor posture. As a result, it leads to neck, back, and shoulder pain. Lack of physical activity also increases the risk of cardiоvascular disease and obesity. 

In addition, spending excessive time reading negative news online increases adrenаline and anxiety levels. Аll these things negatively affect the overall psycho-emotional state.

Symptoms and Warning Signs of Excessive Screen Time

Sleep disturbances

Light from screens reduces the production of melatonin. The last one is a hormone that regulates sleep. This leads to:

  • poor sleep quality,
  • eventual insomnia. 

It is recommended to limit the use of gadgets at least an hour before bedtime. This way, you can ensure sufficient melatonin production and healthy sleep.

Behavioral changes

What happens if you watch too much TV? People who spend a lot of time in front of screens become irritаblе and less socially active. This is especially true for children and teenagers. They often use gadgets for entertainment. The same can be true for adults who watch TV or surf the Internet all the time.

Physical symptoms

Among them, there are headaches, and neck and shoulder pain. Also, gastrointestinal problems. All this is due to a lack of physical activity. People who spend a lot of time in front of screens often have low levels of physical activity, which increases the risk of developing chronic diseases. 

Recommended Screen Time by Age 

For children

Experts recommend limiting screen time:

  • for children under the age of 2 to a minimum, 
  • for children aged 2 to 5, it should be up to one hour a day. 

This will help:

  • To avoid the negative impact of technology on child development
  • To promote better development of motor and social skills.

For teenagers

Average screen time for teens should not exceed two hours a day. Except for the time spent studying. This will help reduce the risk of developing health problems and promote better physical and mental health.

For adults

It is recommended to limit screen time to three-four hours a day, including working hours. 

Also, it is especially important to take breaks every 20-30 minutes to:

  • reduce eye strain,
  • improve overall health.

How to Reduce the Negative Impact of Screen Time

Minimize negative content

Since spending excessive time reading negative news on the Internet has a negative impact on mental health, it is recommended to limit access to negative content and focus on positive and useful materials. This will help improve your overall mood and reduce stress levels.

Workplace organization

Proper workplace organization can significantly reduce the negative impact of screens. It will help decrease the strain on your eyes and spine:

  • placing the monitor at eye level, 
  • correct posture,
  • use of ergonomic furniture,
  • use of special programs to remind you of breaks.

Active recreation

Including physical activity in your daily schedule can help reduce the negative impact of a sedеntary lifestyle. 

It promotes better physical and mental health:

  • regular warm-up breaks, 
  • walks in the fresh air,
  • playing sports.


Excessive screen time can have very serious consequences for the health of both the body and the brain. These include vision problems, sleep disorders, physical pain, and cognitive decline. And these are just some of the possible negative consequences. Therefore, it is extremely crucial to limit the time spent in front of screens. Especially for children and teens. You also need to organize your day to ensure a balance between technological use and physical activity. Proper screen brightness settings and workplace organization will also help reduce the negative impact. The conclusion is that only conscious use of technology will help us maintain health and harmony. And thus, save ourselves.